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Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:31 am
by S1euth
Happy Holidays BFFs,

The S1euth war machine is beginning to sputter in preparation of SWTORs servers turning on for the first time tomorrow. The last 6 months have gone by so fast, but many of you have been in my thoughts.

Feel free to send me an email or stop by TeamSpeak3 to catch up. Server:

May your winter conquests get you closer to building a fearsome space empire, is your MOM fund going? the store sill alive?
SSN...that freaken awesome vaga pilot I gave you better not still be training mackinaws.
Ronan...Go Packers! I have a bottle of wine saved for the end of their 16-0 season.
Zaak...yell at Poly for me
Poly...yell at Zaak for me
Kwa...yell at Poly and Zaak for yelling at each other.

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:41 am
by Zaakath Rahl
LOL; I don't think I even realized that old republic was coming out tomorrow... Now I have to go and watch videos for it before playing it. Worried it is going to be another WOW...

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:48 am
by ilimitado
Zaakath Rahl wrote:LOL; I don't think I even realized that old republic was coming out tomorrow... Now I have to go and watch videos for it before playing it. Worried it is going to be another WOW...
it is. :) check alliance forums, there is a long thread on reviews of it.

Good to hear from you man! good luck. when they start doing free trials ill probably check it out.

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:32 am
by Challu Ni
Hey!!! Good to hear from you :) You will be happy to hear that your gift has been supremely useful during our last move, and will be seeing action again pretty shortly! Hope you're doing well :)

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:51 am
by deathpain
So nice to hear from you S1euth, have fun with the lightsaber dude...

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:58 am
by S1euth
Zaakath Rahl wrote:I have to go and watch videos for it before playing it. Worried it is going to be another WOW...
I have never played WOW, but it is definitely a theme park game and not a sandbox game. There are no towers to fuel, spies to find, big 1500 vs 1500 battles to organize, logistics to perform, assets requiring thousands of man-hours in effort that need to be protected 24/7, or painful death penalties. Sounds boring, right? :)

It is you and a few of your friends saving the galaxy, enjoying some fiction, and pounding on the enemy PVPers in an open world with a glow stick. Teams of 2, 4, 8, 16, and 24 can find content designed for them that is challenging and the story is engaging.

It isn't Eve, but then...I don't want Eve. Interestingly, my team is on the same server as Goons and Reddit. It should be fun.

Here are some videos Zaak -

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:28 pm
by deathpain
Sieuth, if anyone from Grads deceides they want to give it a go (as I know some people said they would try it out) is there anyway they can get on contact with you in game or your guild ?

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:47 pm
by S1euth
Absolutely Deathpain. They can join the Veela server (east coast PVP) as Republic (Jedi) and add me to their friends list in game.

Our Teamspeak 3 server has no security (Server: so they can hop on there to say hi as well.

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:40 pm
by deathpain
Awesome, ill know exactly how to find you when I want to bother you now :D

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:50 pm
o7 S1euth, still have the Stuff, :wink: waiting to use it when we have some SOV to protect.
Thanks again.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 8)

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:30 pm
by Tazerz
Happy holidays S1euth! :D
S1euth wrote:SSN...that freaken awesome vaga pilot I gave you better not still be training mackinaws.
Umm... No comment...

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:48 pm
by Kwa Zulu
Hey Ahren, good to hear from ya ;)

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:51 am
by Servinius

At least I'm at the top of your thoughts :D

Good to hear from you Ahren. I hope all is well. Unfortunately don't think I'll have time for any new games. Keep in touch and let us know how SWTOR works out for you.

<3 Serv

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:19 am
by S1euth
Have a good holiday Kwa. I snuck into the MM forums (damn alt account makers :) ) and it looks like the diplomats will have their hands full of drama for the foreseeable future. Good luck!

Serv - Hopefully the "Occupy" crowd stays away from your 1% family to allow you to wear your monocle and open gifts in peace.

Deturk - Hopefully you didn't have to worry about fittings for a while. I took a look at your killboard and was impressed...only 1 unmatched gun on the Falcon and one unmatched launcher on the Raven last month. Nice!

Re: Happy Holidays TGRADs

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:59 pm
Deturk - Hopefully you didn't have to worry about fittings for a while. I took a look at your killboard and was impressed...only 1 unmatched gun on the Falcon and one unmatched launcher on the Raven last month. Nice![/quote]

Well that is a little missleading as the rats didn't drop Caldari mods in Delve :(. I'll be back to my OLD self when we get back North and to Tribute. Your probably right thou, think of how many more kills I'd get if I only matched my guns, :lol: I must give the EFT warriors some chance of catching up thou...... :wink: :P